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Me's Bio
I love to explore, and when I looked up and saw a door standing open in Heaven, I just had to go through it. What I discovered on the other side was a world full of light and color and music and joy. After my first trip, where I found out that all of Heaven is celebrating me, just because I’m me, (and I got a cool fire crown) I couldn’t wait to go back. When I did, the door led to a different place. And each time I go, it is a new adventure! (But I can go back to the previous places any time I want.)
I am never alone. Even when it’s dark or I don’t see anyone, I can feel the presence of peace. But usually I meet colorful characters full of mystery and wisdom who surprise me with insight and revelation.
Every time I go through the door I end up learning something new about myself and feeling even more loved and liked than I did before. Often my journeys help me gain a Heavenly perspective on some problem or confusion I’m having, or help me remember who I truly am. They are always an adventure, and I’m always glad I went!
Asked an angel nearby in a bright purple wig.
"We just wanted to party for a saint that we dig!"
The angel explained that the notes I could see
Were from my DNA in my blood - that's the key
That tells all my cells how to make up my "be."
Then I said to the angel "So, you were singing me?"
- SINGING ME (Book 2)
When my concert was done, I looked down at my toe.
The tongue was all gone; the rock looked like a stone.
I said to the angel "There's something I must know.
Did that rock have a tongue, or am I going wacko?"
How to get the Books
It is important to be able to "read" a book before purchasing it. So we have provided a way for you to hear the stories while looking at the illustrations via video. In our sidebar, (to the right and up under "What's on this website") just click on the title of the book you want to read and it will take you to the page for that book.
Order the book from that page, or click on the book covers in the sidebar to go to the Create Space store. Each book is 8.25" square, full color with a soft cover, and costs $7.00. (To get all 3 books for $20 enter the discount code B5UQJ4T3 when prompted.) Note: The shopping cart keeps your order and combines them even though you have to order the three books separately.
If you have a book store and would like to order 5 or more of each book to resell, please send us an email with your name, bookstore name, address, and phone number and we will contact you regarding discount details.
The books are also available at Amazon.com. (Search by "Carla Myers Angela Meijer" for easiest access.)
Activity Kit
Click here to go to the activity kit.
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Contact Us
Let us know if you need anything else...
contact: Carla Myers
email: dowho@live.com
phone: 530.949.7426
website: www.DoWho.net
Carla is available for coaching/speaking/teaching engagements. Click here to go to her website.
Angela is an amazing artist and illustrator. Click here to go to her website.